Thursday, 30 September 2010

Why You Should Have No Excuses Not to Learn Self Defense

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Suggestions that it is unnecessary to learn self defense are wide of the mark and frankly, dangerous. Even if you live in what seems like a safe area, all it take is one thug and one incident to change your life forever. It would be foolish to put your safety and that of your family's at risk which is why it is necessary to learn some techniques to give you peace of mind. There are literally hundreds of courses out there with the regular training course seemingly a thing of the past. With our increasingly hectic schedules, it is simply not possible to attend a class on a specific day at a set time. We need flexibility to suit our schedules which is why online courses come in so handy.

Besides people's unwillingness to learn martial arts, there is also the cost issue. Face to face classes with an instructor and other pupils is deemed to be too expensive with the costs of petrol from driving back and forth not to mention the enrollment fee and any uniform you are required to wear. Yet money should not be a problem when the time comes to learn self defense as surely the safety of your loved ones has a greater worth than any dollar amount? Online courses vary from $30 to several hundred but it is unnecessary to buy the larger, more expensive ones.

This is because the main principle of self defense training should be to keep things simple. There is no good reason why a novice would want to learn 200 moves when they will be fortunate to remember 10% of that amount. They are likely to forget even more of what they learned when faced with an attack. This is because the mind has a tendency not to work as well when under extreme pressure. When faced by a violent criminal, are you really confident that your mind will function to its full potential? With this in mind, learn a few basic martial arts moves that are easy to master and remember. When faced with a dangerous situation you need to be able to react instinctively.

Also, it does not take as long to learn self defense as it does to engage in a competitive sport like boxing or wrestling. You do not need to dedicate several hours a day to your craft in order to see results. Remember, you are training to defend yourself against a random street assault so even a few minutes a day honing your skills is time well spent. There is certainly no harm in making a few gym visits to improve your strength and stamina as these are also keys to surviving a vicious street assault.

When you learn self defense, you are making an investment of time and money that will repay you many times over. You cannot put a price on the safety of you and those you care about. It doesn't matter if you take an online course or purchase a DVD. As long as you learn the basics well, you will be ahead of the majority of the population and crucially, ahead of the thugs as well.

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Women's Self-Defense Classes - The Fallacy of Women's Self Defense

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There are many who say women learn self-defense better in an exclusively women-only environment. The so-called "experts" say it is less intimidating if women don't have to compete with the men, or, it is easier (more comfortable) to discuss subjects like rape without men present. So, the new trend in self-defense programs is "Women's Self Defense" classes.

I don't agree with this line of reasoning, because the overwhelming evidence suggests that this is the wrong approach. I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "I took a women's self-defense course once. But, I went home and tried some of the stuff on my husband (or boyfriend), and it didn't work!"

There is nothing more confidence-shattering than to spend the time learning all the techniques and starting to feel good about yourself, only to have the bubble burst the first time you try out your new-found skills. Women then begin to feel there is nothing they can do to protect themselves when they can't even make it work against someone who isn't really trying to hurt them.

The real shame is when someone is really attacked, and after repeated attempts, can't make their self-defense techniques work. At that point, they simply give up, and won't fight back no matter what. I can only imagine that someone in that situation would look back on the time or money spent for self-defense classes and feel that they had been victimized twice!

Why "Women's Self Defense" Programs Don't Work!

Most of the people who take my self-defense classes are women. Sometimes, I even have a class that is all women. However, that is by coincidence, not design. Women who sign up for my classes know that there may be both men and women in the class. Whether there are actually men in the class is not important, after all, I am instructing the class, so there is always at least one man in the class.

The point is, if a woman is so intimidated by men, that she will not even take a self-defense class with men, she will never survive an attack by a man. Why? Because "intimidation" is just another word for fear. Until she can prove to herself the techniques work on a man, she has done nothing to help her get over her fear of men.

If she is ever attacked, it will probably be by a man! If she hasn't gotten over her fear of men, she will immediately panic, no matter what she has learned. If she hasn't learned how to deal with the bigger, stronger, more aggressive male, she will not understand how the dynamics of the situation will change in the real world!

Women MUST practice self-defense techniques against a man! Otherwise, how will she know they work against a man? This is what we call "realistic scenario training" (more about this later). If she has only practiced self-defense techniques with other women, she gets a false sense of security that her techniques will work in the real world. But, an even bigger problem is that most of what is taught in these so-called "women's self-defense" classes wouldn't work anyway!

Poor Teaching Methods

Much of what is taught as "women's self-defense" is not only ineffectual, but insulting as well. Courses intended only for women assume they are weak, less capable of defending themselves, and therefore need different methods from men to counteract violence. Women have been told to "yell 'FIRE', carry a hat pin or umbrella to jab at him, do something vulgar to gross him out, like tell him you have VD." If any of that junk worked, we'd be teaching men to do the same thing.

The following sample of bad advice still shows up in high schools and women's self-defense courses:

"Confrontation always makes everything worse. Don't react-it might be an overreaction. Don't add to the violence by becoming violent yourself. Don't make him mad. Trying to escape risks escalating the problem."

These ideas are wishful thinking or blind optimism. Experience at real crime scenes teaches you something very different.

Imagine if the percentages of women and men raped were 50-50 instead of 98 percent women and 2 percent men. [Outside of prison, those are the true percentages.] Now imagine someone telling men, "Don't overreact to rape, guys. Go along with his demands so you won't be hurt." I think you can see there might be a double standard that is completely unfair to women.

Doing Nothing

Doing nothing against a violent attack is the biggest risk of all because it makes resistance and escape later far more difficult. Worse, statistics show it actually increases the likelihood that violence will escalate, especially when the crime is rape. The most profound example involving resisting (doing something) versus submitting (doing nothing) was a Department of Justice study of rape published in 1985:

Rapists do not normally pre-arm themselves with weapons. Only 23 percent of 1.6 million cases studied involved knives or guns. [The major exception to this are rapists who break into a residence; 96 percent grab a knife from the kitchen.]
Approximately 51 percent of women resisted in some form, ranging from screaming to fleeing, to fighting back; the remaining 49 percent did nothing.
When broken down between resistance or submission, there was only an increase of two percent in the injury level to the women who resisted.

Yes, there is always a risk involved in fighting back, but there is just as much risk in doing nothing. If you face a rapist and do nothing, he'll rape you. If you face an armed criminal forcing you into his car and do nothing, he'll kidnap you. The "do-nothing" group believes that in doing nothing, they risk nothing.

Doers, in contrast, have simple and direct reasons for taking action: "If I don't do something fast, it's going to get worse."

False Claims

Another problem is the false sense of security given by unsubstantiated claims. One direct-mail women's safety device provides an "instant and easy self-defense" video for women.... "Can you point your finger?... Can you raise your hand?... If your answer is yes, you can instantly escape anything from rape to severe attacks.... It's quick and easy." The product being mentioned here, pepper spray, almost never works this way in the real world.

One television commercial for a women's self-defense program promises "two-minute, guaranteed knockout using your feet. When your assailant tries to grab you, use the heel of your shoe to strike into his head over and over." Could you really learn to do this in two minutes? It takes years of training in karate or taekwondo to learn to effectively kick someone in the head, and even then, it's a risky move. It's just a marketing ploy to get your money.

If you buy a police radar detector that is guaranteed to work, but doesn't, the result is a speeding ticket. If you pay for "self-defense classes" or videos that don't deliver as promised, the result can be severe injury or even death. Relying on someone else's guarantee is only a false sense of security that will only have bad results!

Anti-crime gadgets, and martial arts self-defense programs marketed to women, are often too simplistic and come with unrealistic guarantees. The fact is, surviving crime requires far more mental toughness than physical abilities. Size, weight, conditioning, and upper-body strength don't make the difference. If they did, a lot of men would be in deep trouble. Crime survival takes tough-minded mental conditioning, the same for both men and women.

What Does Work

What works, as proved by the results of both police and military testing, is "realistic scenario training". Scenario training consists of learning techniques, rehearsing them in realistic scenarios, and then visualizing these actions in your mind. It is a method used in many fields, from sports to law enforcement, military to medicine.

Scenario training is a way of planning our responses. We do something similar every day in our regular lives. We plan what to say if the boss criticizes a report we've submitted, or how to appease our spouse if we've done something irritating. Often we actually rehearse the words we'll use, we do it constantly. It doesn't always get us what we want, but it gives us a better chance.

Face-to-face with violence, your first split-second problem is not what is he going to do, but, "what are you going to do?" Scenario training against violence answers that question at the right time... before it happens. You can make mistakes and learn from them before it becomes a life or death situation! Scenario training to survive violent crime draws on real-life crime cases, which allows us to analyze our own mistakes, as well as the mistakes of others, learn from them, and decide how we will respond differently.

Without realistic scenario training, people panic and freeze up; they have no way to cut through the overwhelming fear that boxes them in during a crisis. Everyone needs to train for the same scenarios, and everyone, men and women alike, need to train the same way: to develop the mental toughness needed to survive a real attack!


This is the bottom line that must be adopted by every woman, every women's self-defense teacher, and every parent of a daughter: If the how-to-survive-violence technique and advice is not acceptable to men, it's not acceptable to women.

Knowing how to handle yourself when confronted with violence is your only insurance against becoming a victim, or just another statistic in a police report. You have car insurance, home-owner's insurance, life insurance, health insurance...

What insurance do you have against being the victim of a violent crime? A long-term self-defense program offers the most comprehensive training, and therefore, the best opportunity to learn to handle almost any situation that may occur. However, if you don't have the time to commit to a long-term program, at least some form of weaponless self-defense training is better than none.

But women MUST practice techniques with MEN! The idea that women can learn to defend themselves against men, without training with men, is simply false.


Strong, Sanford - Strong on Defense; Simon & Shuster, Inc.; 1996

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Uniform Crime Report; 2000

Mark Jordan is a 6th Degree Black Belt in Budoshin Jujitsu, Vice-president of the American Ju-Jitsu Association, and a Certified Self-Defense Instructor with the International Association of Close Combat Professionals. You may find out how to contact him for training, or read more of his articles by visiting his website:

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Women's Self Defense - A Class of Men?

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Will this article change your mind about the perfect mix for a martial-arts class? On several occasions, I have offered to help out a women's self-defense class. My wife is the only female to accept my offer.

Most of the time, these women self-defense teachers claim that theirs is a women only class. I say, of course -- you teach women. I am offering myself to role play the part of an attacker, so they can practice defending a big, heavy brute.

Still, they decline my offer.

It's a shame. These women and female teens will only get practice against other females. I suppose this is fine, if they only plan on defending themselves against other females.

I have always imagined women's self-defense as learning to defend against any attacker, especially, giant, hairy, male ruffians (pardon the stereotype). More Realistic Women's Self-Defense Women could learn to defend themselves better, if they made it a point to practice in as close to realistic conditions as possible.

They need to learn to take on a heavy male attacker.

Women who want to defend themselves absolutely have to practice their martial techniques against someone who is significantly stronger.

My wife is only five-feet, two inches tall, and weighs less than 120 pounds. I think she has always fared so well in the martial arts, because she has worked out almost exclusively against big, strong guys. (I weigh over 270 lbs.)

If you are a woman and want to really learn to defend yourself, then don't always work out with the smallest, mousiest woman in the class. And don't join a women only self-defense class.

Join a mixed class-- one with both men and women. Or better yet, turn a men's class into a mixed class... by joining them. And then workout with the big, strong guys. Learn what works against them. (Hint: Don't rely on strength.)

If you are looking for ways to counter a particularly strong attack, read my Free ebooklet, Elbow Strike Counters.... Elbow Strike Counters

Keith is author of several martial-arts books, ebooks, and ebooklets. You'll find them at:
Kerwin Benson Publishing. (Free ebooklets, cartoons, and more.)

Keith is the editor and author of several martial-arts ezines, including:
Pascal has taught martial arts for almost 30 years. He quit high school teaching in 2000, to become a full-time martial-arts writer.

There is No Such Thing As Fighting Dirty - And Other Self Defense Tips That Will Save Your Life

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Here is your fact for the day - Our society is becoming more violent. Violent crimes increase daily and yet, our world is more integrated than ever. We travel more, commute from home to work, and are out and about more than our grandparents, or even our parents, were. So, the question is: how will you prepare to be out in this world, as it presents increasing risks to your own personal security? You are taking steps, such as reading this article, to educate yourself. But what type of training will that education lead you to choose?

When choosing a school at which to train, research both the school and its instructors to learn their training principles for self defense. Find a school that is self defense oriented. This will probably mean the school does not award belts for levels that you complete. Although certain martial art schools have come around to this new way of thinking, they are far and few between.

A New Way Of Thinking

Train off the principle that, when under an aggressor's attack, your body will only allow you to utilize gross motor skills, i.e., simple movements. You cannot perform intricate jump-spinning back kicks and other gravity-defying movements with success when under duress. In addition to requiring a ballet of choreographed movements, certain martial art schools impress upon the student that he must be prepared to defend himself after he is physically attacked. Such reactive, versus proactive, training is not effective and relying on it can be costly and dangerous. In fact, the best defense (with a new spin on an old saying) is a good offense.

In addition to advocating easy-to-execute training, the author has designed the following A.D.D. formula for recognizing and dealing with possible physical attacks:

(A) Avoid compromising situations. Be aware of your surroundings.

(D) Dissuade any potential aggressor with verbal commands and body language.

(D) Decimate your aggressor with devastating strikes.

Finally, remember this: there is no such thing as fighting dirty when it comes to life or death, so when the time comes for you to engage, be prepared and give it everything you have. Find an instructor who teaches you to manipulate the body's vulnerable areas such as the eyes, ears, throat, neck, and groin. Once you have identified an instructor who emphasizes simple movements, who is teaches an offensive form of self defense, and who does not shy away from teaching you to defend yourself at all cost, you will know you have done your homework completely! All that remains is to train like you mean it!

About the Author

In 1993 Stephen Spivey developed the innovative reality based self defense system, American Combat System and the highly requested seminar series, MaxDefense. Both of these systems are touted as cutting edge in the self defense community. People travel from great distances to participate in his unique training and he has traveled far and wide to meet the request for his seminars.
Seminar website
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The Best Martial Art For Self Defense is Your Mind

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When it comes down to being in a bad situation where your life is on the line, your brain becomes your best friend. There is a way to unlock the inner power of your mind and let out the savage beast. Martial arts training is more than just knowing a bunch of techniques, it's about opening your mind with a new perspective.

You've heard the old saying, that martial arts is 95% in your mind and 5% technique. At least that's what I was told when I first started out learning how to fight. What you are not being told today is that in the world of fighting, things are not what they seem to be. Learning to free your mind is the best martial art for self-defense.

Whatever your martial arts background may be, you and I both know that there is always room for improvement. Improving your perspective of how you see your attacker, will greatly increase your chances for survival. One day a person tried to attack me from behind and I could feel his presence, so I quickly turned grabbing his elbow, then throwing him into a stack of pallets. How was I able to do this you may ask?

Through developing total body awareness, I was able to thwart the attack and quickly gain the advantage through being relaxed. A Tai Chi' master taught me over 13 years ago how to relax my mind and body at will. At one point in my martial arts training, I quickly realized that my mind was my greatest weapon. The great Bruce Lee knew the importance of a relaxed body and he found that he was a much better fighter when his body was not so rigid, but instead was more like water or soft cotton.

In the world of street fighting, one must be able to adapt quickly to the chaos and flow with it. In a street fight if you are all caught up in focusing on techniques, you may end up getting killed. You must develop sensitivity where you can feel your attacker and as Bruce Lee once said, "don't think, feel, it's about emotional content." I've been able to win a street fight, not because of some fancy techniques, but because of being self-aware.

Even the Russian martial arts stresses the importance of relaxation. For example, when a person comes up from behind you and tries to give you a headlock, it is wise to immediately relax and move downward. If you allow yourself to become hard and rigid, your opponent will be able to maneuver you into a compromising position. True self defense training starts in developing the correct mindset and then it is possible to handle whatever situation may come your way.

Mark H. Smith has been in the martial arts for over 20 years and he wants to reveal his quick secrets to winning street fights. Fancy moves won't save you on the streets, so find out what works today over at:

Three Amazing Self Defense Techniques Revealed!

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The key foundation of surviving and winning a fight on the streets is having moves you can use simply under automatic response and today I would like to share some techniques that may not be taught in your dojo, but have incredible power and the ability to hurt a bad guy bad!

Dirty self defense techniques should be the core foundation of your skills, and everything else should revolve around that. I also highly recommend you join a martial arts school that includes active sparring in every class. A big fundamental factor to winning a street fight and staying calm is perfect practice.

Today I am going to share some moves that are incredibly easy, yet cause a lot of damage to an attacker. First of all:

1. The eye gouge - Basically if you are in close quarters combat with your attacker, either standing, or on the ground use this. Gouging out an attackers eyes will work on anyone. Male or female it doesn't matter. When you dig your fingers inside someones eye socket's you will get a couple reactions. First will be shock, second will be attempting to pull your fingers out, and third they will be in pain. Being able to disorient an attacker off of his initial plan of assault is an amazing self defense technique.

2. Finger breaking - If you ever stuck in a choke, or headlock, a good idea is to snap one or more of your attackers fingers. It will give you leverage to get out of the hold and will make your opponent not want to swing punches. Having broken fingers will greatly hamper your attackers plan to hurt, mug or rape you. Best of all this self defense technique is super easy and doesn't require much force or strength.

3. Groin kick - Most attackers are male and if you can take them out with a swift kick to the groin you will cause an explosion of pain within their bodies. You can also alter this move to include grabbing, punching, twisting, biting, smashing, whatever you require. The male groin is a very sensitive area on his body and being able to damage it will help lessen his attack against you.

Follow these three simple self defense techniques and incorporate them in your plan to fend off an attacker. Also join a martial arts club and get out there and train with active sparring. Heck, even go out there and buy sparring gear and go out with a friend in the park to practice combat. Remember that perfect practice makes the perfect fighter, and the self defense techniques come secondary!

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Office Fitness: On-your-computer exercise reminder, specific exercises

Stay fit while you work at your computer, no "desk-potatoes"! Exercise reminder pops up at your chosen scheduled times, with specific exercises for the office, your choice of exercises, even enter your own. Get up and move, stay healthy, fit, and happy!

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Team Takeover Radio Live Now!

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The Complete Self-Esteem Program

The Solution To Low Self-Esteem. 7 simply audio self esteem boosters and the highly acclaimed Complete self esteem Workbook. Make low self esteem a thing of the past.

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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Josh Barnett: Fedor Fight Will Happen

Josh Barnett: Fedor Fight Will Happen | Steve Rattlesnake

?At some point me and Fedor, I said to him, I go, ?look, the only people that can beat you. I can beat you and you can beat me. If we actually have to lose, if there?s any reason we have to lose to anyone,? and I preferred it be like that, but this is fighting and things happen. Fedor was careless with his offense and his movements and he got caught in a very bad spot by a guy who one of his specialties is the triangle off his back.

When you put yourself in that kind of position with a guy like Werdum, it?s not by chance that you get put in a triangle or an armbar.

People lose, and it doesn?t diminish anything in my eyes about Fedor or the importance of a fight between the two of us, I?m sure it will happen at some point, and it will be just as amazing, at least for me anyways, as it would have been.?

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Tiffany Van Soest vs Tandi Schaffer titolo lotta al Pala Casino

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The Dragon and the Tiger: The Birth of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do

The Dragon and the Tiger: The Birth of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do
In 1962 author Greglon Lee's father, martial arts expert James Yimm Lee, joined forces with the future superstar Bruce Lee (1940-1973) to form the Jun Fan Gung-fu Institute, now considered the birthplace of Jeet Kune Do.

Their relationship was crucial in Lee's progression from unknown student to celebrated master, shaping Lee's ideology and outlook on the martial arts for years to come.

Using extensive interviews with dozens of Bruce's students and contemporaries as well as anecdotes based on rare documents and family history, the authors present an engaging picture of Bruce Lee as an extraordinarily talented young man who was also a warm and caring person.

This insider's look at Bruce Lee's formative years also outlines the development of Lee's legendary skills between 1962 and 1965, an era previously unchronicled.

Format: Trade Paperback, 288 pages

Price: $18.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

VN vincere cinque medaglie d'oro

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Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou vs Alexander Houston

Hi folks,

in case you have not seen the fight yet, here is the fight video of former UFC fighter Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou vs Alexander Houston.

No spoilers

The fight took place at Shark Fights 13: Jardine vs. Prangley on September, 11 2010.

Here is the fight in HD quality:

Sokoudjou vs Houston

So what do you think about the fight ?


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Armas de defensa Self-¿qué es la mejor arma para ser defensa?

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If you are thinking of purchasing a gun, or other "self-protection" device such as pepper spray or an alarm, then you are obviously concerned about your personal safety. You know it is essential to learn how to defend yourself, now more than ever! Today, not only do you have to worry about criminals, but now terrorists as well! What is this world coming to? Would you know what to do?

You may be thinking, "Well, I'll just get a gun!" Unfortunately, real-world tests have shown that overall , weapons (or other "self-defense" products) are often ineffective when it comes to self-defense. Why?

There are many factors that contribute, but the main reason weapons are ineffective is, if the weapon is not in your hand at the moment of attack, you will never get the chance to use it! But, the law does not allow you to walk around with a gun in your hand, and most studies show that people soon forget to carry the various types of self-protection devices they purchase.

Even if you have a stun gun or pepper spray in your purse or pocket, if caught by surprise, you won't have a chance to get it out before you get decked! Mace does you no good if it is still in the purse that just got snatched out of your hand! Tests prove that 90% of the time, you will never get the chance to reach for your weapon before you are hurt too severely to use it.

FBI statistics and Police reports from all over the country show that in more than half of all instances where the victim was able to get to a "weapon" (usually sprays are mentioned), the attacker knocked it out of their hand before they could use it. Police files are filled with tens of thousands of incidents of weapons taken away from the victim and used against them! It is estimated that almost one third of all gunshot victims are shot with their own gun! The figures are even higher when it comes to stun-guns and sprays.

This doesn't even include all of the incidences where the victim shoots themselves! Accidental discharge is the leading cause of gunshot wounds in both crime and non-crime reports. You may think that wouldn't happen to you, but the reports prove that it happens to even experienced gun owners.

I know of a Police officer, even after extensive training , the first time he tried to use Mace against an unruly suspect, ended up spraying himself.

Unfortunately, most people have little or no training as to the safe and proper use of the weapons in their possession. Inadequate, or even improper training is the leading cause of accidental discharge involving guns, stun-guns and sprays. What do you think will happen when they attempt to use that weapon under the stress of a real attack?

There are literally millions of incidents reported where the victim couldn't get the weapon to work at all, mainly because of inadequate training! Even the most basic principles of weapon usage are often overlooked by owners. The figures are stunning (pun intended) of the number of incidents of stun guns that didn't work when needed because of dead batteries!

There are thousands upon thousands of reports of guns that wouldn't fire because the safety was on, and the user didn't know, forgot, or was too panicked to figure it out in time. In at least one incident I am aware of, the victim couldn't get his weapon to fire before the criminal took it away from him. Lucky for him, the criminal couldn't figure it out either.

Defective or Fraudulent Products

I'm sure you have purchased products that didn't quite work as advertised. How can you be sure that the pepper spray you buy will work as well as advertised, if at all? How will you test it? Spray yourself? Spray a friend? We're not talking about perfume! I doubt you will get any volunteers to help you.

When the criminal attacks, it is too late to find out that the pepper spray is really just vinegar, or that the 10 million volt stun-gun doesn't deliver much more of a shock than shuffling across the carpet and touching a doorknob.

If you buy a police radar detector that is guaranteed to work, but doesn't, the result is a speeding ticket. If you buy "self-protection weapons" that don't work, the result can be severe injury or even death. Relying on someone else's guarantee is only a false sense of security that will only have bad results!

If you are serious about Self-Protection, your best self defense weapon is your mind . If you think about what has just been discussed, you will realize that 'weapons' will only help you in ideal situations, and even then, you need to keep a clear head to be able to use them properly.

But, crime doesn't happen in ideal situations!

Being able to think clearly, and knowing what to do, is your best weapon when it comes to self-defense. Second best is being able to use your feet. Now, that doesn't mean to start kicking! It means that at the first sign of trouble, you need to RUN! Escape is always a much better self-defense tactic than getting into a struggle or a fight.

However, if you can't get away, your body is your best self-defense weapon! Since you cannot always have a weapon in your hand, it is essential that you know how to defend yourself without weapons. But mindless flailing against an attacker does you no good at all. You need to learn the most vulnerable points on the human body. But even that isn't enough if you don't know the most effective ways to strike them. You need to learn how to kick, not just where to kick.

Everyone should at least take a basic self-defense course .

What about Martial Arts?

Traditional Martial Arts are great for disciple, self-confidence, and exercise. They can help to produce the correct mindset needed when faced with a self-defense situation. But it usually takes several years to become proficient in the more complex techniques.

If you have the time to commit to a long-term training program, by all means, a martial art will provide the most comprehensive training. However, just as in choosing a self-defense weapon, you must do your homework before choosing a martial arts program. Many don't deliver the comprehensive training they promise, and most don't train you for realistic self-defense.

Far too many martial arts programs focus greatly on sports and competition. Sports and competition oriented martial arts are worthless as self-defense. They teach you to follow rules, and for the most part, there are no rules in a street fight. If you are conditioned to follow the rules, you can't do what is necessary in a dangerous situation. In fact, you will probably do the wrong thing, and get yourself hurt or even killed.

Seek out a training program that focuses almost exclusively on realistic self-defense scenario training.

Knowing how to handle yourself when confronted with violence is your only insurance against becoming a victim, or just another statistic in a police report. You have car insurance, home-owner's insurance, life insurance, health insurance...

What insurance do you have against being the victim of a violent crime? That type of insurance is only available through proper training. A long-term self-defense program offers the most comprehensive training, and therefore, the best opportunity to learn to handle almost any situation that may occur. However, if you don't have the time to commit to a long-term program, at least some form of weaponless self-defense training is better than none.


If you are serious about self-protection, your best bet is to first learn weaponless self-defense. Then, if you still want to purchase a weapon, do your homework before choosing the best weapon for you, and don't just read the instructions that come with it and think you are ready to use it.

Take a class on how to use it effectively, how to handle it safely, and how to maintain it so it works when you need it.
Take regular refresher courses so you don't forget anything about the weapon.
Follow all maintenance procedures on a regular basis.

Your best bet is to learn weaponless self-defense and get the best weapon for you. Remember, you will never feel safe until you have all the tools necessary for self-protection. And the most important weapon of all is your own mind and body!


Strong, Sanford - Strong on Defense ; Simon & Shuster, Inc.; 1996

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Uniform Crime Report ; 2000

Mark Jordan is a 5th Degree Black Belt in Budoshin Jujitsu, Vice-president of the American Ju-Jitsu Association, the head coach of the Harvard-Westlake High School Jujitsu team, and a Certified Self-Defense Instructor with the International Association of Close Combat Professionals. You may find out how to contact him for training, or read more of his articles by visiting his website:

K-1 2010 WGP Final 16 Card Announcement

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By ATA in forum Filipino Martial Arts Replies: 0 Last Post: 08-25-2010, 01:47 PM By ATA in forum Seminars and Events Replies: 0 Last Post: 08-25-2010, 01:40 PM By aseepish in forum Thaiboxing and Kickboxing Replies: 1 Last Post: 07-25-2010, 07:32 PM By Tim Mousel in forum UFC News Replies: 1 Last Post: 07-15-2009, 04:41 PM By HOWARD KIMONOS in forum Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum Replies: 0 Last Post: 11-10-2006, 11:21 AM You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rules

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The Art of Cake Decorating

The Art of Cake Decorating

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Videos de artes marciales - su guía personal para Self Defense

La creciente popularidad de artes marciales de formas y estilos a través de películas, revistas y libros, literalmente han magnetizado personas de todo el mundo. Hoy en día, las personas son en realidad muy interesadas en aprender la forma de al menos una defensa propia para salvaguardar a sí mismos y es imperativo así. En muchos países, las escuelas y colegios han realmente hecho obligatorio para sus alumnos aprender por lo menos un estilo de artes marciales, por lo que puede defenderse bien en circunstancias difíciles. Esta iniciativa por parte de las escuelas han ayudado mucho y porque se esta estudiantes están entrenados bastante temprano en la vida.

Pero, este servicio no está disponible para todos. Crecido ups y los adultos que han completado sus estudios en el camino de regreso, debe tener la formación de expertos. Sin embargo, debido a la programación de trabajo ocupado y ajetreado personas que viven con, que asisten a clases en no es una opción muy conveniente para todos. Si entran en esta categoría de individuos muy ocupados, pero tiene un deseo para el aprendizaje de defensa propia, obtendrá una solución aquí. La forma más conveniente y oportuna de aprender artes marciales y no descuidar sus responsabilidades previas es por vídeos de artes marciales.Sí, si tienes deseo y anhelo de defensa propia de aprendizaje, entonces todo lo que tiene que hacer es obtener sus manos sobre los mejores videos de artes marciales disponibles.

Puede buscar de algunos de los más finos y óptima Auto Defensa vídeos de sitios Web en línea compran y empezar a practicar diversas técnicas y movimientos, siempre que usted obtiene el tiempo suficiente. Estos vídeos valen cada centavo que gastará para poseerles. Tales videos de artes marciales están muy bien hechos e ingenioso y permitan que individuos que practican las artes marciales sin cualquier confusión, de sus propios.Estos videos tienen múltiples lecciones y sesiones de práctica, también ofrecen líneas de ayuda para aclarar dudas, que surgen de un muchas veces. Estos videos pueden ser excelentes herramientas para el aprendizaje de defensa propia fácilmente, por su cuenta.

Sin embargo que necesita para elegir la exacta vídeo que coincide con su nivel. Esto puede ser principiantes, nivel intermedio o incluso experto.No todos los defensa propia vídeo le enseñará cómo evitar y esquivar cualquier ataque, cómo bloquear cualquier huelga desde diferentes ángulos y cómo detectar y bloquear a tu oponente sin arriesgarse a sí mismo en el peligro. Por lo tanto, es importante que sepa en qué nivel que necesita para empezar antes de comprarlos. Puede pedir a experto de arte marcial por les correo o incluso utilizando Yahoo! respuestas para obtener la respuesta adecuada sobre este asunto.

Este artículo fue presentado por Cikgu Nizam, un experto y mundial líder Silat entrenador en línea.¿Ha resultado útil estos consejos sobre el artículo de artes marciales?Conozca más acerca de Silat yendo al manual de clubs de Silat y obtener un informe gratuito sobre Silat.Agarra tu informe gratuito aquí:

Aprendizaje de artes marciales de DVDs y libros - lineamientos para el uso de recursos de capacitación

Vivimos en tiempos de grandes, particularmente si somos "informationaholics". La proliferación de conocimientos y su ' accesibilidad ha crecido exponencialmente con el aumento de la renta, facilidad de viajes, el desarrollo de la internet y la ruptura hacia abajo del viejo estilo de establecimiento de la publicación a través de las corporaciones muy conservadoras. Esto ha resultado en una explosión de pensamiento creativo, la innovación y el intercambio de conocimientos, no sólo en el aprendizaje de artes marciales, sino en todas las áreas del conocimiento.

Como un veterano artista marcial que he presenciado un cambio de sólo tener un número limitado de sistemas para aprender, casi todas basadas en japonés de karate y judo, ahora donde no sólo tenemos acceso a las artes marciales lucha contra sistemas de todo el mundo sino también el desarrollo de enfoques totalmente nuevos, tales como los sistemas de la realidad basada en Self Defense y el fenómeno de la mezcla de artes marciales.Y mientras que podemos debatir como para que éstas sean completamente nuevo o original, son sin duda muy nuevos en la manera en que ha desarrollado y progresaba en los sistemas de defensa propia que se han convertido en y de la lucha contra mixtas altamente sofisticado artes marciales.

Como se mencionó por encima, también ha habido un increíble cambio en nuestra capacidad para producir y publicar nuestros pensamientos y conocimientos. En el campo de las artes marciales, esto ha resultado en un gran número de DVDs, libros y fuentes de vídeo en línea disponibles para el aprendizaje de artes marciales en todas las disciplinas de las artes marciales.

En respuesta a esta proliferación los artistas marciales recalcitrante de la vieja escuela todavía a menudo se oyen decir que no se puede aprender artes marciales desde libros y DVD.En mi experiencia, esta opinión es demasiado vieja escuela y conformista en actitud y no tener en cuenta la calidad del material que está disponible. También sugiere una vista de protección tradicionalista que históricamente ha sofocó innovación y el progreso en todas las áreas del conocimiento humano.

Sin embargo, soy de la mente que mientras que el aprendizaje de DVDs y libros de no tomar el lugar de una buena escuela y lo entrenador es una excelente forma para felicitar y complementar su formación, especialmente si eres un practicante de las formas modernas y progresistas de la artes marciales, defensa propia y sistemas de lucha de la competencia.

Como un artista marcial de largo plazo de la vieja escuela y como académico, yo soy de la opinión de que el DVD y libros ofrecen fantásticos recursos para el aprendizaje de todo tipo de habilidades.Mi vida como investigador en la disciplina de vanguardia de la biología molecular requiere que aprendo y desarrollar nuevas habilidades y conocimientos de diversas fuentes, incluyendo DVD, libros, seminarios y documentos que fueron en muchos casos abiertos a la interpretación y requiere un amplio grado de reelaboración para hacerlos viables.

Sin embargo, para utilizar estos recursos eficazmente para formación de artes marciales, o para ese asunto aprender cualquier habilidad, debemos aplicar y cumplir una serie de directrices:

1) Es altamente recomendable que ha sido sometida a una educación fundamental para aprender los principios básicos, técnicas y conceptos de la disciplina particular.
2) Cuando define una programación de formación regular con un socio de formación grave que tiene la misma actitud a la formación - formación en un sistema de artes marciales que requiere trabajo con un socio de aprendizaje.
3) Cuando viendo el DVD o leyendo el libro, tomar buenas notas, observando cuidadosamente los detalles de la técnica.
4) Empeño para obtener una comprensión de los principios y conceptos subyacentes de la técnica y su ' ejecución.
5) Aprender una mudanza o técnica en un momento.
6) Capacitar y profundizar la técnica lentamente trabajando para desarrollar la correcta ejecución.
7) Cuando sea posible obtener un practicante experimentado o entrenador para observar, mejorar o corregir la técnica.
8) Después de un período de formación de la técnica de volver al DVD o el libro y la re-watch o leer los detalles de la técnica una vez más, como más vemos a menudo una segunda vez alrededor y después de que hemos estado practicando la técnica durante un tiempo.
9) Cuando se tratan de nuevas técnicas de aprendizaje conectar a los conocimientos ya adquiridos y capacitar a técnicas y mueve ese flujo de uno a otro.
10) Si la técnica no funciona, o su ejecución se siente difícil, volver al DVD o el libro y ver si puede averiguar qué es lo que está mal.
11) Ser consciente que algún material instructivo tampoco se enseña mal o deja muchos crucial detalles fuera, ya sea intencionadamente o en algunos casos involuntariamente, como la persona que enseñar el material no sabe cómo lo realmente hacen, sólo hacen.

En resumen, es sin duda posible aprender artes marciales y Auto Defensa técnicas de DVDs y libros, siempre que usted siga las directrices anteriores.Sin embargo, es altamente recomendable que entrenan en una escuela que enseña a la disciplina que desea aprender como usted tendrá acceso a muchos más socios de formación y también el beneficio de experimentados entrenadores que puede observar y corregir su técnica para que usted aprende más rápido.De hecho si se reflejan en las directrices anteriores corresponden a los beneficios que una buena escuela o un entrenador proporcionará al aprendizaje de artes marciales.

En resumen, es sin duda posible aprender artes marciales y Auto Defensa técnicas de DVDs y libros, siempre que usted siga las directrices anteriores.Sin embargo, es altamente recomendable que entrenan en una escuela que enseña a la disciplina que desea aprender como usted tendrá acceso a muchos más socios de formación y también el beneficio de experimentados entrenadores que puede observar y corregir su técnica para que usted aprende más rápido.De hecho si se reflejan en las directrices anteriores corresponden a los beneficios que una buena escuela o un entrenador proporcionará al aprendizaje de artes marciales.

Para un análisis detallado de gran brecha puente estrategias, que se complementan su aprendizaje en todas las artes marciales combates sistemas, retirar mi recurso muy completa serie de DVD de "Creación de originales de la zona de peligro" que está repleto de conceptos y técnicas para el conjunto de ups y "Bridging the Gap" en Muay Thai, combates de mezcla de artes marciales y la situación de calle de defensa propia que pondrá el camino por delante del juego cuando aprendiendo mezclan de artes marciales y Muay Thai.Agarra tus libres clips de vídeo y audio aquí en

Además yo a menudo discutir estas estrategias junto con otro juego de lucha y tácticas de defensa propia en mi blog en que le ayudará a desarrollan sus conocimientos y experimentan para aprender artes marciales y Muay Thai o defensa propia.

Self Improvement Oto

Tips and informations related to self improvement.

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Artes marciales defensa Self - artes marciales a distancia y movimiento para Self Defense - Maai y Sabaki

En una autodefensa encuentro, movimiento por la defensa y la distancia desde el atacante son dos elementos importantes a considerar. La víctima es capaz de mover de manera menos probabilidades de daños que va ser heridos. Cuanto más lejos el asaltante uno puede permanecer menos probable que vayan a ser golpeado. En este artículo mostraremos cómo "no luchar su lucha".

Sabaki y maai son términos de artes marciales para el movimiento y la distancia, respectivamente. Movimiento se refiere a las medidas adoptadas para evitar el ataque. Distancia se refiere al espacio entre los combatientes.Ambos se utilizan conjuntamente para realizar movimientos de contador de artes marciales o de autodefensa y mantener la distancia adecuada.

La idea de "no lucha contra su lucha" significa ser menos vulnerable a una huelga. No dejar que el asaltante get la mano superior es imperativo.Mantener la calma y centrado durante un ataque se enseña en artes marciales y la formación de autodefensa. La capacidad de "leer" un oponente y anticipar su próximo movimiento y permanecer fuera de su línea de ataque permitirá luchar contra su lucha a la víctima.

Saltar o mover fuera del camino puede ser todo lo que es necesario para evitar ser golpeado. Puede ser necesario mover algún obstáculo o un observador.Colocar en el suelo puede ser la mejor manera de evitar el ataque.Cualquiera que sea el movimiento es necesario, deberían poner el Defensor en una posición para ser menos vulnerables.También debería proporcionar el mantenimiento del equilibrio y un medio para llevar a cabo un contador de artes marciales o autodefensa mover si fuese necesario.

¿Desea más información sobre cómo protegerte en un escenario de defensa propia?
Vaya a y descargar de la página 6 consejos de defensa espera informar de forma gratuita.

Clases de artes marciales más tradicionales no entrenar encuentros de la vida de verdad.Aprender a evitar entrar usted mismo en una mala situación.Pero si usted encuentra cara a cara con lesiones graves o la muerte, habrán domina las habilidades para sobrevivir siguiendo estos sistemas simples.

Fighting Politics: Matt Lindland Story

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By snakerattle79 in forum Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum Replies: 3 Last Post: 07-07-2008, 12:20 AM By Tim Mousel in forum UFC News Replies: 0 Last Post: 06-06-2008, 02:19 AM By OmaPlata in forum Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum Replies: 7 Last Post: 06-20-2006, 12:30 AM By Shimora in forum Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum Replies: 1 Last Post: 06-17-2004, 06:19 AM By Ryu (non-working password in forum Jeet Kune Do Discussion Forum Replies: 1 Last Post: 04-08-2001, 08:28 PM You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rules

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FlamethrowerFire it up with this high-quality military-grade flamethrower. Nothing cuts through jungle overgrowth, desert brush, or rapidly-advancing enemies like this miracle machine. Just strap it to your back, fill it with your choice of propane or natural gas, and get in gear. Caution: Do not attempt to smoke while using this product.

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Price: $9.99

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Informazioni di sport: Balaju ascensore titolo

Mi spiace, che ho potuto non leggere il contenuto scostanti questa pagina.

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Utilizando el Hanbo para la autodefensa práctica - artes marciales armas - la Hanbo

¿Qué es la hanbo en su vida?

Se trata de una pregunta sencilla que el usuario de un arma de artes marciales debe preguntar acerca de cualquier arma que recogen a entrenar con. ¿Cómo esta habilidad ayuda les en su vida? Para algunas armas, contamos con una curiosidad y un interés basándose en el arma en sí.Sin embargo, también puede haber una conexión más profunda - esta arma puede ser práctica para defensa propia real.

El hanbo, un palo de tres pies que he hablado de la historia de uno de mis otros artículos, es un buen ejemplo. En los campos de batalla del Japón feudal, fue un arma incidental, algo utilizado en una pizca.Para nosotros hoy en día, es probablemente una de las armas más importantes que podemos usar!¿Qué elementos que nos rodean son similares a palo y unos de tres pies de largo?

Un paraguas

Una caña o un bastón

Un raspador de hielo manejadas por mucho tiempo en el coche

Un rasero

Un palo en el bosque

Un pedazo de rebar

Un tubo de póster

Una espada, o una espada en una bolsa (para los artistas marciales)

Muchas otras cosas, la lista es interminable sobre y.

Cada uno de los elementos anteriores se puede utilizar en muchos, si no todos de la misma forma como un hanbo.Algunos incluso podrían tener mas usos, como el raspador de hielo o el rasero, ambos de los cuales tienen otras cosas que se adjunta al final del palo que podría utilizarse también para someter a un atacante. Mirar alrededor de su casa, su lugar de trabajo, las que compra en las tiendas. Si usted fueron asaltados justo ahora, habría mucho de hanbo-como objetos que le rodean. Intente esto con cualquier arma que estudiar - mira alrededor y encontrar cosas que son como arma. ¿Cómo son los mismos? ¿Cómo son diferentes?¿Qué se puede hacer con uno que usted can ' t con la otra?

La hanbo representa a una forma muy simple y omnipresente para nosotros, el objeto de similares a palo corto.Este tipo de cosas son todo.Incluso un acumulados periódico o una revista puede utilizarse de forma similar para aplicar una retracción o una huelga de jabbing.Mi sugerencia - try fuera el hanbo hoy.Obtener uno y empezar a trabajar con él, obtener una sensación y mantiene la vista en el mundo exterior-la-formación-piso para objetos de 'hanbo'.

James A. Kelley, fundador de [] ha estudiado las artes marciales de Japón durante más de diez años.Su pasión por las artes marciales es igualada sólo por su pasión por la historia de Japón.Un veterano viajero, James ha vivido en ocho países y ha viajado a muchos más.Ha visitado lugares históricos en Japón y China en su investigación y formación y ha capacitado a más de diez diferentes artes marciales.Posee un rango de cinturón negro y trenes diarios.En su tiempo libre, artes marciales de él handmakes suministros para caballos graves, disponible en su sitio Web [].

Debut estreme

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Diventare street smart con tecniche difensive

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Controllo della vendita al dettaglio: Kickboxing scuola apre in Phillipsburg

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Bloodstain Lane Recaps UFC 119 And DREAM 16

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Bloodstain Lane Talks His Bas Boon/Ubereem Beef, Shinya Aoki & More

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Self Defense artes marciales videos

Artes marciales han existido durante miles de años. Desde luego, no se puede considerar como una moda pasajera. Usted no debe ser puesta fuera por el pensamiento de Bruce Lee volando por los Aires. La idea detrás de ella es artes marciales pero artes marciales definitivamente no le harán volar a través del aire o saltar de un edificio a otro.

Algunas personas aprenden artes civil tales como el Taekwondo y karate para defensa propia. Asisten a clases para aprender de los movimientos y dominarles. Estas son las formas de artes marciales que no requieren armas. Aprendizaje de artes marciales como el Taekwondo y karate lleva años al maestro. Sin embargo, algunas personas no pueden tener el tiempo para tomar estas clases.Estas personas se convierten a los vídeos de artes marciales de defensa propia.

No me malinterpreten. No estoy diciendo de que estos videos pueden sustituir las clases de artes marciales que se vaya a. Estos vídeos son sólo la idea básica de artes marciales de defensa propia. Nunca debe pensar sólo por ver un video que se puede luchar contra.Estos vídeos de defensa propia no son tan eficaces como las clases de artes marciales. Como se mencionó anteriormente, le da sólo una idea básica de cómo de Auto Defensa vídeos de artes marciales.

Sin embargo, algunas escuelas de artes marciales ofrecen dichos vídeos de formación. Estos que vídeos de artes marciales que se venden por las escuelas de artes marciales de Auto Defensa atender a las personas que no tienen tiempo para asistir a clases. Estos 'estudiantes' entonces tienen que volver a la escuela que deben evaluarse a fin de proceder a entonces próxima fase del vídeo.

Algunos vídeos como los que se venden en una tienda de videos o los que están disponibles en el internet no son tan buenos y no tan eficaces como los que venden por la escuela de artes marciales. La mayoría los vídeos de artes marciales de defensa propia que están disponibles en línea no se demuestran por profesionales.A veces buscando una buena calidad de vídeo en línea puede ser bastante tedioso.

Sin embargo, si usted es profundo y serio de artes marciales para defensa propia, es aconsejable que vas aprender correctamente.Arte marcial si no aprendido correctamente puede causar lesiones graves e innecesarias a usted y a otros.Asegúrese de que usted aprende de un profesional.

Autodefensa es importante, especialmente para las mujeres.Puede aprender más acerca de autodefensa visitando este sitio Web para obtener más información ==> también hay algunos vídeos de autodefensa que se puede aprender demasiado.

Bloodstain Lane Talks GSP's Style, Fedor And Mir's Comment

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By snakerattle79 in forum Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum Replies: 0 Last Post: 09-14-2010, 02:39 PM By snakerattle79 in forum Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum Replies: 0 Last Post: 09-10-2010, 06:53 AM By snakerattle79 in forum Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum Replies: 0 Last Post: 08-18-2010, 12:11 PM By snakerattle79 in forum Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum Replies: 0 Last Post: 07-27-2010, 04:42 AM By snakerattle79 in forum Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum Replies: 0 Last Post: 07-08-2010, 10:05 AM You may not post new threadsYou may not post repliesYou may not post attachmentsYou may not edit your postsForum Rules

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Fedor: �Alistair Overeem Keeps Finding All Sorts Of Excuses�

Fedor: ‘Alistair Overeem Keeps Finding All Sorts Of Excuses’ | Steve Rattlesnake

?Strikeforce are struggling to find me a serious opponent. Alistair Overeem keeps finding all sorts of excuses not to fight me. The remaining stars have lost in their recent fights, so the promotion has no desire to put them up against me. And Fabricio Werdum is still recovering from his surgery. In addition, I have only one fight remaining with Strikeforce.?

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Unlucky eseguire per i concorrenti di karate

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Welcome To Guru Brian Tracy's Self Defense Moves Blog


Welcome to Guru Brian Tracy's self defense moves blog.

You will find many information regarding self defense moves here.

Take care.

Guru Brian Tracy.